Summer of ’98

Logline: Four recent high school graduates from the inner city, learn some tough lessons about life, romance and friendship as they try to enjoy one last carefree summer together before being thrusted into adulthood.

Pitch: The childhood bond between four Black teens is tested when the pressure of on-coming adulthood, different life views and tragedy creep up. It’s “Entourage” meets “Boyz in the Hood.”

How big of a role did the first friendships you ever made have on your life? Do you still have them? If not, how difficult was it when those relationships ended? When do you know time has run out on a platonic relationship?

Protagonist: Keon Parks (17), loyal, goal-oriented, athletic, shy, but a little high strung when provoked.

Protagonist: Derek Harrison (18), smooth talker, wise beyond his years with an old soul.

Protagonist: Corey Featherstone (18), very aspirational, but a slacker and a smart-ass.

Protagonist: Amani Allen (18), deep critical thinker, afrocentric and socially conscious.

Themes: Bromance. Friendships. Loyalty. Coming of Age. Love & Sex. Dramedy.

98 pages Feature length. Coming of Age, drama screenplay.

Click the link to read a preview of the screenplay.

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